EBS R12 AD Utilities

Command Line Utilities

The tools generally referred to as Applications DBA (AD) utilities are started and run from the command line. They initiate processes that perform a variety of system maintenance tasks, such as applying and merging patches. As they run, the utilities prompt you for system-specific parameters necessary to perform the maintenance task. In addition, many of the utilities produce reports that contain information such as job timing and file versions.

The AD utilities have similar interfaces, operation, input, and report formats. Many also share the ability to accept arguments, flags, and options, which you can use to refine the actions they perform. You add the argument on the command line when you start the utility. For example, to specify the number of workers that AutoPatch should run in parallel when applying a patch, you enter the number of worker processes on the command line when you start AutoPatch. A list of commonly used command line arguments and flags, and a brief description of how to use them, begins later in this chapter.

Except where noted, the AD utilities in the following table are described here.

Location: $AD_TOP/bin

AD Utility NameExecutable or ScriptDescription
AD AdministrationadadminPerforms maintenance tasks for Oracle E-Business Suite.
AD Check DigestadchkdigChecks the integrity of Oracle E-Business Suite patches downloaded from My Oracle Support.
AD Configurationadutconf.sqlReports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite.
AD ControlleradctrlManages parallel workers in AD Administration and AutoPatch.
AD File IdentificationadidentReports the version and translation level of an Oracle E-Business Suite file.
AD File Character Set ConverteradncnvConverts a file from one character set to another.
AD Merge Patch*admrgpchMerges multiple patches into a single merged patch.
AD Relinkadrelink.shRelinks Oracle E-Business Suite executable programs with the Oracle server product libraries.
AD SpliceradspliceAdds off-cycle products.
AD Job Timing Report Reports a summary of the timing for jobs run by parallel workers.
AutoPatch*adpatchApplies patches and other system updates.
Patch Application Assistant*admsi.plGenerates customized installation instructions for a patch.
Rapid Install**rapidwizProvides a wizard for entering parameters that are specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle E-Business Suite system.
ad online patchingadopApply patch and other system update (12.2).

Every product has it top/bin see more examples below.

Running adautocfg.sh in R12.2

In R12.2 we have 2 file systems RUN and PATCH. Whenever we are making any changes in context file always make those in both RUN and PATCH context file to keep them in sync.

Below are the steps to execute autoconfig in R12.2 Environments
In below example I am making changes to forms trace directory.

Make sure:
1.Make sure your application services are down.
2.Database services and Listener should be up and running.
3.Identify the Context which needs to be modified.
4.In R12.2 make sure you run Autoconfig on both run and patch file.
5.Getting context file use below

Source Run File system
. EBSapps.env run
echo $CONTEXT_FILE ( This will give you full path with Context file name in run file system)

Source Patch File System
. EBSapps.env patch
echo $CONTEXT_FILE ( This will give you full path with Context file name in patch file system)

NOTE: Make the necessary parameter changes in Both the context files. But always ensure to take a copy of the respective context files(Run and  Patch) before changing.

Connect to putty as applmgr.
Stop AP Tier
   $ sh <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>/adstpall.sh apps/<pwd>

Run autoconfig
Source RUN file system 

Make sure it completes successfully.

Now make sure, required changes have taken place and start the service.

Start AP Tier
   $ sh <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>/adstrtal.sh apps/<pwd>

R12.2 Cloning steps

Cloning steps:

How R12 Cloning scripts work.

On Source

adpreclone.pl –>

=> adpreclone.pl script prepares the source system to be cloned by collecting information about source system by creating a cloning stage area,
generate template and drivers from existing files that contain source specific hard coded value.

On Database node

adpreclone.pl dbTier –>

The directories that will be created in $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone are : jlib, db, data

jlib –> Contains the libraries.
db –> Database tech stack information.
data –> Contains the information related to data files.

It also does the below tasks:

Creates driver files at $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver/instconf.drv.
Converts inventory from binary to xml. The XML file is location at $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/context_name/sid_context.xml
Creates database control file script and datafile location information file at $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/templateadcrdbclone.sql, dbfinfo.lst.
Generates database creation driver file at $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/data/driverdata.drv
Copy JDBC Libraries to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/jlib.

On Application node

adpreclone.pl appsTier –>

This will create stage directory at $COMMON_TOP/clone. This runs in 2 steps.

Techstack ==>
Creates template files for $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template and 806 ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template.
Creates driver files for $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver/instconf.drv and 806 $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver/instconf.drv.

It will create application top driver file at $COMMON_TOP/clone/appl/driver/appl.drv.
Copy JDBC libraries and $COMMON_TOP/clone/jlib/classes111.zip


Privacy Settings


On Target

On Database node:

cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutils/clone/bin

perl adcfgclone.pl dbTier –>

It creates a context file.
Recreate controlfile
Configure database
Start the database listener.

This will use the templates and driver files those were created while running adpreclone.pl on source system and has been copied to target system.

Following scripts are run by adcfgclone.pl dbTier for configuring techstack

->adchkutl.sh — This will check the system for ld, ar, cc, and make versions.
->adclonectx.pl — This will clone the context file. This will ceate a new context file as per the details of this instance.
->runInstallConfigDriver — located in $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver/instconf.drv
-> Relinking $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/install/adlnkoh.sh — This will relink ORACLE_HOME
For data on database side, following scripts are run
Driver file $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/context/data/driver/data.drv
Create database adcrdb.zip
Autoconfig is run
Control file creation adcrdbclone.sql

adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack –>

Create context file
Configure ORACLE_HOME.
Start Database listener.

adcfgclone.pl dbconfig –>

It is used to configure the database with context file. Database should be in open mode.

On Application Node

perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier

Creates context file for target adclonectx.pl
Run driver files $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver/instconf.drv and $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/driver/instconf.drv
Relinking of Oracle Home $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adlnk806.sh and $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/bin/adlnkiAS.sh
Run $COMMON_TOP/clone/appl/driver/appl.drv and then runs autoconfig.

Clone using RMAN (2nd method).

  1. Running Pre-Clone on the Source Apps Tier

perl adpreclone.pl appsTier

  1. Running Pre-Clone on the Source DB Tier

perl adpreclone.pl dbtier

  1. Copying Application Tier from Source to Target
  2. Copying RDBMS Oracle Home from the Source To Target

connect to target db server with root user and copy databsae oracle home from source to target.

TARGET> scp -r root@source:/u01/oracle/product  /u02/oracle/

Backing up to database online (with rman) :

Connect to source database using rman, and backup your database plus archive log in to the directory you want..

rman target /

backup device type disk format ‘/yedek/Bck_For_Clone/%d_full_%s_%p.bck’ database plus archivelog;

  1. Copying source database backup from Source to Target
  2. Configuring the ownership of the directories on the Target Servers

chown -R applmgr:dba /u01/fs2
chown -R oracle:dba /u01/oracle/
chown -R oracle:dba /u01/backup_sil/

Ensure oratab is writable by oracle (just in case)

ls -al /etc/oratab, and oraInst.loc is readable

  1. Configuring Oracle RDBMS on the Target Server


If your source database filesystem / paths are the same with your source filesystem, just ;

su – oracle

cd /u01/oracle/product/

echo “. `pwd`/dberp_erpproddb.env ” >> /home/oracle/.bash_profile


su – oracle


./relink all

Check the relink.log for the errors. Ensure there are no errors encountered during relink.


If your source database filesystem / paths are the different than your source filesystem,

set your db environment and run relink all after that.

su – oracle




export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/product/

./relink all

Check the relink.log for the errors. Ensure there are no errors encountered during relink.


  1. Duplicating/ Opening the cloned database on the Target Database Server

Connect to target , modify your pfile according to your needs, create an spfile and startup nomount your database with the new name on the target server.

Also set your db_file_name_convert, log_file_name_convert parameters before duplicating the db.



SQL>startup nomount;

Connect to the auxilary and duplicate the database with the name by specifying the backup location which resides on your target server.


rman auxiliary /

RMAN>duplicate target database to “PREPROD” BACKUP LOCATION ‘/u01/backup_sil/Bck_For_Clone’;

  1. Running Post Clone in the Target Database Server.

cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin

perl adcfgclone.pl dbTier

Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle Corporation

Redwood Shores, California, USA

Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Clone

Version 12.2

adcfgclone Version 120.63.12020000.7.1202010.2

Enter the APPS password :


  1. Running Post Clone in the Target Application Tier.

Before executing adcfgclone on AppsTier. Copy the application inventory directory from source to target, and make the necessary modifications in the /etc/oratab file to point to the oraInventory location residing on target server. Also configure the permission -> prevent null pointer exceptions during precheck phase of the post clone.

Note that: You must only have appl_top,common_top and 10.1.2 oracle_home in the target server. If you have copied FMW home ,too; then you will get FMW HOME found error in the beginning of post clone..

cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin

  1. Running Pre-Clone on the Target Apps Tier

 perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier

TARGET> login with applmgr

.  /u01/EBSapps.env run


sh adadminsrvctl.sh start

Note: weblogic admin server should be up before the execution of preclone script, preclone needs it.

perl adpreclone.pl appsTier

  1. Copying EBSpps directory from Run edition to patch edition (in this case fs2 to fs1) in the Target Application server.

First we create the patch directory , in this case it is fs1

mkdir -p /u01/fs1

Then we copy the run edition’s EBSApps directory keeping the softlinks ;

cp -RH /u01/fs2/EBSapps/ /u01/fs1/

  1. Running postclone on the Patch Edition of the Target Application server & fixing the errors.

unset your env.

cd /u01/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin  (patch edition ‘s clone/bin)

perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier

  1. Starting our clone environment.

. /u01/EBSApps.env run


sh adstrtal.sh apps/apps

That’s it…  Our clone environment is up&running. Optionally, we can do other post clone stuff at this point.. I mean, we can change site name and color of the Forms screens, or we can mask our sensitive data etc..

R12.1 to R12.2 Upgrade

The following diagram describes the high-level overview of the tasks described in this guide:

Overview of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Upgrade Process

The steps required to upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 are documented in the Performing the Upgrade chapter. The upgrade includes a number of steps that can be categorized into the following high-level steps:

The following is a summary of the steps for each category:

  1. Prepare the Database.
    • Upgrade the database to the minimum version or latest certified version
    • Migrate to a new platform (optional)
    • Apply the latest database patches
  2. Lay Down the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 File System.
    • Use Rapid Install to lay down the file system and technology stack
    • Apply the latest application tier technology stack patches
  3. Upgrade to Release 12.2.0.
    • Apply the latest AD upgrade patch and Oracle E-Business Suite Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP)
    • Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite pre-install patches
    • Apply the 12.2 merged upgrade driver
    • Run Rapid Install in ‘configure’ mode
  4. Enable Online Patching.
    • Apply the latest Online Patching Readiness Report Patch
    • Apply required updates to custom code according to the readiness reports
    • Apply the enablement patch
  5. Upgrade to the latest code.
    • Apply the latest AD-TXK RUP
    • Apply the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Release Update Pack (RUP)

Note: You must apply the 12.2.3 or later Release Update Pack (RUP) to your existing Release 12.2 system for production use.

RUPs are released periodically. Each one is cumulative and delivers error corrections and system updates, not only for the most current release update pack, but also for all the RUPs that precede it. Oracle highly recommends that when planning your upgrade you plan to upgrade to the latest RUP available.

You can keep current on the latest release information, as well as new RUP announcements and other updates that may affect your upgrade by reviewing the latest version of Oracle Applications Manager Release Notes for Release 12.2.

  1. Complete post-upgrade steps
  2. Apply the latest security patches
  3. Apply all recommended patches
  4. Apply NLS patches (conditional)
  5. Deploy custom code, external integrations and third-party integrations.
  6. Perform advanced configurations.
    • Scaling up and scaling out, such as adding additional managed servers, adding application tier nodes, or adding Oracle RAC nodes.

Supported in EURC-DT: Yes

Note: The upgrade process is performed with one application tier and one database tier. If you are using an Oracle RAC environment, then you should run the Release 12.2 upgrade on a single Oracle RAC node. The reason for upgrading with a single Oracle RAC node is that most of the elapsed time in the upgrade will be taken by jobs running DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). These jobs use multiple workers and parallel servers, which typically attempt to access the same objects and blocks concurrently. The consequent additional communication between cluster nodes (and associated cluster waits) significantly outweigh any gains from using the additional CPU’s to increase throughput. Scaling out is a post-upgrade step.

R12.2 Stop and Start

Stop & Start

When we want to stop or start all application services using script adstpall.sh or adstrtal.sh respectively, we provide apps password in R12.1.3.

But in R12.2 it will additionally ask for WebLogic admin password to bring down to all services.


When we want to stop all services adstrtal.sh apps/apps again it is going to ask weblogic password

To individually START the services, below is the step-by-step process.

Node Manager$ adnodemgrctl.sh  start Enter Weblogic Admin Password:
Weblogic Admin Server$ adadminsrvctl.sh  start   Enter Weblogic Admin Password:
Application Listener$adalnctl.sh start
Oracle Process Manager$ adopmnctl.sh  start
Apache Services$ adapcctl.sh  start
Managed Server for OACORE Services$ admanagedsrvctl.sh  start oacore_server1   Enter Weblogic Admin Password:
Managed Server for Forms Services$ admanagedsrvctl.sh  start forms_server1   Enter Weblogic Admin Password:
Managed Server for Fusion Middleware  Services$ admanagedsrvctl.sh  start oafm_server1   Enter Weblogic Admin Password:
Managed Server for Forms web  Services$ admanagedsrvctl.sh  start forms-c4ws_server1   Enter Weblogic Admin Password:
Concurrent Manager Service$ adcmctl.sh  start apps/apps
Fulfillment Server Services$ jtffmctl.sh  start


When we want to stop all services adstpall.sh apps/apps again it is going to ask weblogic password

To individually STOP the services, below is the step-by-step process.

R12.2 Environment and file system

$APPL_TOP: Path to the application top directory.
Path: Typically located at <INST_TOP>/appl.
Purpose: This is the main directory for the E-Business Suite applications.Contents: Contains the product directories (e.g., ap, gl, ar), common directories (e.g., admin, forms, reports), and application configuration files.
$COMMON_TOP: Path to the common files directory.
Path: Typically located at <INST_TOP>/comn.
Purpose: Holds files and directories used by multiple application products.
Contents: Includes directories like html, java, util, scripts, and clone.
$APPLCSF: Path to the concurrent spool files directory.
Path: Defined by the environment variable APPLCSF.
Purpose: Stores concurrent program log and output files.
Contents: Contains subdirectories like log and out for managing logs and outputs.
$INST_TOP: Path to the instance top directory.
Path: Typically located at <EBS_HOME>/inst/apps/<CONTEXT_NAME>.
Purpose: Stores configuration files specific to an EBS instance, including scripts for managing the instance.

Contents: Contains subdirectories like appl, admin, log, scripts, and appsweb.
$ORACLE_HOME: Path to the Oracle Database home directory.
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME: Path to the Oracle Application Server home directory.
Path: Typically located at <INST_TOP>/ora/10.1.2
Purpose: The home directory for Oracle Application Server.

Contents: Includes binaries, libraries, and configuration files for the Oracle Application Server.

Source : https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26401_01/doc.122/e22949/T120505T120509.htm

In Release 12.2, Web and Forms services are provided by Oracle Application Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware. They are no longer servers in the sense of being a single process, as was the case in previous releases.

Application Tier ORACLE_HOMEs in Release 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 uses two application tier ORACLE_HOMEs.

• An OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME that was used in previous 12.x releases.

• An Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMW) ORACLE_HOME that supports Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) and supersedes the Java (OracleAS 10.1.3)

ORACLE_HOME that was used in previous releases.

The use of these two ORACLE_HOMEs enable Oracle E-Business Suite to take advantage of the latest Oracle technologies.

Notable features of this architecture include:

• The Oracle E-Business Suite modules (packaged in the file formsapp.ear) are deployed out of the OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME, and the frmweb executable is also invoked out of this ORACLE_HOME.

• All major services are started out of the Fusion Middleware ORACLE_HOME.

Key changes from earlier releases include:

• The Oracle Application Server 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME (sometimes referred to as the Tools, C, or Developer ORACLE_HOME) replaces the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME provided by Oracle9i Application Server in Release 11i.

• The FMW ORACLE_HOME (sometimes referred to as the Web or Java ORACLE_HOME) replaces the OracleAS 10.1.3.-based ORACLE_HOME used in Oracle E-Business Suite 12.x releases prior to 12.2.

The Web services component of Oracle Application Server processes requests received over the network from the desktop clients, and includes the following major components:

• Web Listener (Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache)

• Java Servlet Engine (Oracle WebLogic Server, WLS)

The Web listener component of the Oracle HTTP server accepts incoming HTTP requests (for particular URLs) from client browsers, and routes the requests to WLS.

If possible, the Web server services the requests itself, for example by returning the HTML to construct a simple Web page. If the page referenced by the URL needs advanced processing, the listener passes the request on to the servlet engine, which contacts the database server as needed.

Instance Home

Like other 12.x releases, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 uses the concept of a top-level directory for an Oracle E-Business Suite instance. This directory is referred to as the Instance Home and denoted by the environment variable $INST_TOP. Using an Instance Home provides the ability to share application and technology stack code among multiple instances.

Prior to Release 12.2, all the configuration files modified by AutoConfig were located under $INST_TOP. The following parts of the file system could be made read-only: APPL_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME, and OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME

In Release 12.2, the APPL_TOP and FMW_Home contain some configuration files modified by AutoConfig. Only the OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME configuration files are located under $INST_TOP, and so can be made read-only. The HTTP and Oracle WebLogic Server configuration files are not stored under the $INST_TOP.

In a single-node application tier environment, the basic structure of the Instance Home is: <s_base>/inst/apps/<context_name>, where s_base (which does not have a corresponding environment variable) is the top level of the Oracle E-Business Suite installation, and <context_name> is the highest level at which the applications context exists. For example, $INST_TOP might be /u01/R122_EBS/fs1/inst/apps/ebstest , where ebstest is the context name.

The EBSapps Directory

The EBSapps directory is another key high-level directory that was introduced in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. It will be located under a path with a name such as /u01/R122_EBS/fs1, at the same level as the inst directory.

The comn Directory

The EBSapps/comn (COMMON_TOP) directory contains files used by many different Oracle E-Business Suite products, and which may also be used with third-party products.

The admin directory

The admin directory, under the COMMON_TOP directory, is the default location for the concurrent manager log and output directories. When the concurrent managers run Oracle E-Business Suite reports, they write the log files and temporary files to the log subdirectory of the admin directory, and the output files to the out subdirectory of the admin directory.

The java directory

Rapid Install places all Oracle E-Business Suite class files in the COMMON_TOP/java/classes directory, pointed to by the $JAVA_TOP environment variable. Zip and jar files are installed in the $COMMON_TOP/java/lib directory, pointed to by the $AF_JLIB environment variable. The top-level Java directory, $COMMON_TOP/java, is pointed to by the $JAVA_BASE environment variable.

The util directory

The util directory contains additional utilities that ship with Oracle E-Business Suite. These include the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK).

The appl Directory

Many Oracle E-Business Suite files are stored in the EBSapps/appl directory, which is generally known as the APPL_TOP.

The APPL_TOP directory contains:

  • The core technology files and directories.
  • The product files and directories (for all products).
  • The main Oracle E-Business Suite environment file, called <CONTEXT_NAME>.env on UNIX, and <CONTEXT_NAME>.cmd on Windows.
  • The consolidated environment file, called APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env on UNIX

Note: CONTEXT_NAME is the Oracle Applications context. Its default value is <SID>_<hostname>.

Rapid Install creates a directory tree for every Oracle E-Business Suite product in this APPL_TOP directory, whether licensed or not. Regardless of registration status, all Oracle E-Business Suite products are installed in the database and the file system.

Warning: Do not attempt to delete any files belonging to unregistered or unused products.

Fusion Middleware Home

The Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMW) directory is another key high-level directory. It is completely new in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, as this technology was not used in previous releases.

Typically, the FMW directory will be located in a path such as /u01/R122_EBS/fs1, at the same level as the inst and EBSapps directories. It includes subdirectories such as:

  • EBS_Domain: The Oracle WebLogic Server domain used to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite. All the domain-specific configuration and log files are located here.
  • Each node in a WLS domain has a Node Manager, which can be started and stopped using the $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adnodemgrctl.sh script.
  • wlserver_10.3: Contains all the binaries and libraries required to support Oracle Weblogic Server.
  • oracle_common: Contains all the Java Required Files (JRFs) needed by Oracle E-Business Suite.
  • webtier: Contains the HTTP server instance used by EBS. All the HTTP-specific configuration and log files are located here.
  • Oracle_EBS-app1: Oracle E-Business Suite is deployed as an Oracle Home under FMW. This directory contains all the configuration files related to oacore, forms, oafm, and forms-c4ws.

Dual and Non-Editioned File Systems

A key difference in Release 12.2 is the support needed for the new online patching mechanism.

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 uses a dual file system. At a given time, one file system (designated ‘run’) is part of the running system, while the other (designated ‘patch’) is either having patches applied or standing by in readiness for patch application. The two file systems are often referred to as fs1 and fs2.

Note: It is important to distinguish between the file system (fs1 or fs2) ) itself and its current role, which alternates between ‘patch’ and ‘run’ with every patching cycle.

As well as fs1 and fs2, there needs to be a non-editioned file system (fs_ne), which is used to store files containing data that is needed across all file systems.

The non-editioned file system is designed to store files which will never be changed by run and patch file system life cycles.The most notable examples of this are transactional data and certain log files.

Non-editioned files are not copied or moved during patching: their location remains constant across online patching cycles.

Files Stored in the Non-Editioned File System

The non-editioned file system is designed to store files that contain transactional data and reference data. Examples include: import, export files, general log files, and concurrent manager log and out files.These are all examples of files that are not modified during an online patching cycle.

More specialized examples include:

  • Batch upload and download files.
  • Files used to transfer transactional data from processes external to Oracle E-Business Suite (for example, where a third party order entry system delivers orders via order import files).
  • Files containing transactions that are needed across all file systems.

Note: The non-editioned file system is not designed to store shared files, because initially identical files can become non-identical during patching life cycles. Nor is it designed to store code, which is editioned (one copy can be in the run file system while the other is in the patch file system).

Concurrent Processing and the Non-Editioned File System

Concurrent processing in particular makes significant use of the non-editioned file system, with all concurrent manager log and out files being stored there.

Before Release 12.2, there were two choices for the location of log and out files. The first was $APPL_TOP, and the second was $APPLCSF (which pointed to $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK). The location used was determined by whether the $APPLCSF environment variable was set.

With Release 12.2, the $APPL_TOP contains only code and configuration files. Therefore, it is mandatory for the $APPLCSF environment variable to be set. Its default value points to the non-editioned file system, specifically to <s_ne_base>/inst/<EBS_Instance_ID>/logs/appl/conc

for example, /u01/R122EBS/fs_ne/inst/app101/logs/appl/conc

app101 is instance id

/u01/R122EBS/fs_ne is <s_ne_base>

In addition, a new environment variable, $APPLLDM, has been introduced to provide the option of organizing storage of log and out files on a product-specific basis. In Release 12.2, $APPLLDM environment variable can have multiple possible values. The two main ones are ‘single’ and ‘product’.

‘single’ ( default) -> concurrent processing and AD Administration log files will both be stored under $APPLCSF/log. Concurrent processing out files will be stored under $APPLCSF/out.

‘product’ -> concurrent processing log and out files will be written to product-specific directories under $APPLCSF. This is in contrast to previous releases, where the directories were under $APPL_TOP.

Beginning with Release 12.2.6, Oracle E-Business Suite provides additional storage strategies for management of large numbers of concurrent processing log and output files. For example, concurrent request log and out files can be organized by date or by user name. These storage strategies are called schemes.

Source : https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26401_01/doc.122/e22949/T120505T120512.htm

Log Files

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 has seen significant changes to the locations under which log files are stored. In large part, this is because of the introduction of online patching and the additional file systems it employs. The adoption of Oracle WebLogic Server for some configuration management tasks has brought its own log file requirements, over and above those of the traditional AutoConfig tool.


$LOG_HOME which translates to $INST_TOP/logs , this environment variable and its associated location are used in Release 12.2 as they were in previous releases. Most of the Oracle E-Business Suite log files are stored here, under $LOG_HOME/appl/admin/log. Examples include service control logs, AutoConfig logs, and runtime-generated logs.

A change in Release 12.2 is that HTTP, Oracle WebLogic Server, and concurrent processing log files are not stored under $LOG_HOME as they were in previous releases:

  • HTTP log files are located under the native instance home.
  • Oracle WebLogic Server log files are located under the domain home.
  • Concurrent processing log files are located on the non-editioned file system (fs_ne).

Patching Log Files

The adop log files for online patching are located on the non-editioned file system (fs_ne), under:


For example, if s_ne_base was /u01/R122_EBS/fs_ne, the adop log files would be located under:


For more information, see ‘The adop Utility’ in the Patching Utilities chapter of Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

Configuration Log Files

The AutoConfig log files are stored under <INST_TOP>/admin/log/<MMDDhhmm> on the application tier, and <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME>/<MMDDhhmm> on the database tier.


  • fs1 (production file system) – Used by the current users of the system.
  • fs2 (Copy of production file system) – Used by the patching tools.
  • fs_ne (Non-editioned file system) – Stores files containing data that is needed across all file systems (for example, data import and export files, report output files, and log files).
  • Inst (INST_TOP) – Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Instance Home, contains all the config files, log files, SSL certificates etc.

All three file systems serve a single database. The file system that is currently being used by the running application is never patched: all patches are applied to the file system that is not currently in use.

R12.2 cold/downtime patching

EBS 12.2 — adop apply-mode=downtime

It is optional to apply a patch with downtime, but it is more fast and it requires less system resources as it seems.. On the other hand; with downtime mode; you ‘ll have an increased system downtime..

As you know, in EBS 12.2; we dont have a maintanence mode anymore .. That’s why; to apply a patch with downtime , we only need to stop our application tier services..

What we need to do is ;

Step 1) Source our run environment.

Step 2) Stop our application services

Step 3) adop phase=apply apply_mode=downtime patches=PATCH_NUMBER

With apply_mode=downtime ; adop directly applies the patch .. No patching cycles

But we need to face the facts;

As Oracle states;

  • Release 12.2 patches are not normally tested in downtime mode.
  • Downtime mode is only supported for production use where explicitly documented, or when directed by Oracle Support or Development.
  • So unless Oracle supports say that “This patch can be applied using apply_mode=downtime”; you need to solve the problems you may face during the adop downtime patching , by yourself..

There are some examples for these kind of situations;

  • Is it supported to apply 17050005 R12.HR_PF.C.delta.4 in downtime mode ? (Doc ID 1916385.1) -> If customer is using AD-TXK Delta 5 or above, then it is supported to apply the patch R12.HR_PF.C.delta.4 (17050005) in downtime mode.
  • Is It Possible To Apply ALL Patches During An Upgrade From 11i To 12.2.4 With Apply_mode=downtime (Doc ID 1918842.1) -> Can all post-12.2.4 patches can be applied in downtime mode? Yes, all post-12.2.4 patches can be applied in downtime mode as long as the Applications Tier processes have not been started (first time after upgrade). Can downtime mode be used to apply patches once the upgrade is complete? No. Once the system is open for users, all subsequent patches must be applied on-line unless otherwise stated in the Readme or corresponding Note
  • Here another important doc: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.4 Readme (Doc ID 1617458.1) –> adop phase=apply apply_mode=downtime patches=17919161

Oracle suggests and supports this downtime apply mode for the fresh installations, upgrades and for some specific product upgrades at the moment;

When the system is started to be used by the users ; in other words when we put data into it/ when we start the business processes, we need to apply our patches online unless otherwise started in the Readme or corresponding note.

To be able to use dowtime mode; you need to upgrade AD-TXK Delta 5, or you need to upgrade to 12.2.4.. Note that you need to upgrade your AD-TXK DELTA 5 prior to 12.2.4 upgrade anyways

When you apply AD TXK Delta 5 as a prereq for 12.2.4, you may even use downtime mode during the application of your 12.2.4 upgrade patch.

For AD-TXK Delta 5 upgrade >

Applying the Latest AD and TXK Release Update Packs to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1617461.1)

For 12.2.4 Upgrade >

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.4 Readme (Doc ID 1617458.1)

EBS 12.2 ADOP-Online Patching

ADOP-Online Patching

  • In 12.2 all patching operations are online
  • EBS will remain available to users during patching operations

Online patching is supported by the capability of storing multiple application editions in the database, and the provision of a dual application tier file system. At any given point in time, one of these file systems is designated as run (part of the running system) and the other as patch (either being patched or awaiting the start of the next patching cycle).

For applying a patch in R12.2 you need to use adop and run through all below phases in sequence mentioned below.

1) adop phase=prepare

2) adop phase=apply patches=<patch_number1>,<patch_number2> workers=<number_of_worker>

3) adop phase=finalize workers=<number_of_worker> (called automatically)

4) adop phase=cutover workers=<number_of_worker>

5) adop phase=cleanup (called automatically)


Running all phases in single command:

adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=<patch_number1>,<patch_number2>

One can merge the patches in the apply phase

adop phase=apply patches=<patch_number1>,<patch_number2> merge=yes




Used to start a new online patching cycle

How to execute:

A) Set the environment by executing (sourcing) the run file system environment file:

$ source <EBS install base>/EBSapps.env run

B) Verify envirionment

You can confirm that the environment is properly set by examining the relevant environment variables:

$ echo $FILE_EDITION run

$ echo $TWO_TASK dbSID

C) Download Patches

Download patches to be applied and place then in the $PATCH_TOP directory of your system. This directory is pre-created by the install in the non-editioned file system (fs_ne) and should not be changed.

Important: On a multi-node system with non-shared file systems, you must copy the patch files to each separate $PATCH_TOP directory, so that the patch files are available from the same location on all nodes.

D) Unzip the patch

$ unzip <patch>.zip

E) Run Prepare Command

Prepare the system for patching by running the following command to start a new patching cycle:

$ adop phase=prepare

What it will do:

• Checks whether to perform a cleanup, which will be needed if the user failed to invoke cleanup after the cutover phase of a previous online patching cycle.

• Checks the integrity of the database data dictionary. If any corruption is found, adop exits with an error.

• Checks system configuration on each application tier node. A number of critical settings are validated to ensure that each application tier node is correctly registered, configured, and ready for patching.

• Checks for the existence of the “Online Patching In Progress” (ADZDPATCH) concurrent program. This program prevents certain predefined concurrent programs from being started, and as such needs to be active while a patching cycle is in progress (that is, while a database patch edition exists). If the ADZDPATCH program has not yet been requested to run, a request is submitted.

Note: ADZDPATCH is cancelled later on when the cutover phase is complete.

• Checks to see if the patch service has been created. adop requires that a special database service exists for the purpose of connecting to the patch edition. This service is created automatically, but its continued existence is validated on each prepare.

It can be checked by the database parameter SERVICE_NAME

SQL> show parameter service_name NAME TYPE VALUE ———————————— ———– ————— service_names string dba, ebs_patch

Here dba is the SID of our database and ebs_patch is additional service_name which is required by online patching tool.

If you look at tnsnames.ora file in the Application tier $TNS_ADMIN directory you will find below kind of entry:

<SID>_patch= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<your_database_server_name>)(PORT=<your_database_port>)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=ebs_patch) (INSTANCE_NAME=<your_database_SID>) ) )

During patching phase, adop will use this tns entry to connect to database.

• Invokes the TXK script $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.pl to synchronize the patches which have been applied to the run APPL_TOP, but not the patch APPL_TOP.

• Checks the database for the existence of a patch edition, and creates one if it does not find one.



In the apply phase, adop applies the specified patches to the system. Patches are applied to the patch edition of the database and file system.

How to execute:


$ adop phase=apply patches=1234,7891 workers=8

Where 1234 and 7891 are the patch numbers

What it will do:

If a post-installation patch step mentions any tasks that need to be performed explicitly, where they are run from depends on the type of patching:

• In a normal online patching cycle, the steps should be executed from the patch file system after the apply phase.

• If the patch is being applied in hotpatch mode or downtime mode, the steps should be executed from the run file system after the apply phase.



The finalize phase will be executed while the application is still online. It is used to perform any remaining processing that is needed to ensure the system is ready for the fastest possible cutover.

Used to perform the final patching operations that can

How to execute:

$ adop phase=finalize

What it will do:

• Pre-compute DDL that needs to be run at cutover.

• Compile all invalid objects.

• Validate that the system is ready for cutover.

If finalize_mode=full, compute statistics for key data dictionary tables for improved


VERY IMPORTANT 1 : Up to this phase, you can run a special phase called abort, which will undo the changes made so far in the patching cycle. After cutover is complete, however, you cannot do this.

VERY IMPORTANT 2 : In an online patching cycle, the requisite JAR files are initially stored in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out directory, and then uploaded into the database during the cut over phase. Therefore, the out directory must not be deleted at least until cut over (next phase) is complete.


Used to perform the transition to the patched environment. Shuts down application tier services, makes the patch edition the new run edition, and then restarts application tier services. This is the only phase the involves a brief downtime.

Important: No users should remain on the system during cutover, as there will be a short downtime period while the application tier services are restarted. Also, any third-party processes connected to the

old run edition of the database should be shut down, or they will be terminated automatically.

How to execute:

$ adop phase=cutover

What it will do:

• Shut down internal concurrent manager. The adop utility signals the internal concurrent manager to shut down, but will wait for any existing concurrent requests to finish before it proceeds with cutover actions.

Note: Cutover will take longer if it has to wait for long-running concurrent processes to complete. In such a case, you can expect to see an informational message of the form: [STATEMENT] [END 2013/10/28 23:47:16] Waiting for ICM to go downIf you do not want to wait for in-progress concurrent requests to finish normally, you can terminate the internal concurrent manager by executing the adcmctl.sh abort command from a different shell.

• Shut down application tier services: All application tier services are brought down. During this period, the system is unavailable to users.

• Cutover database: Promote patch database edition to become the new run database edition, using adzdpmgr.pl script.

• Cutover file system: Promote patch file system to become the new run file system, switching the $FILE_EDITION values in the patch and run enviroments. The current patch APPL_TOP becomes the new run APPL_TOP, and the current run APPL_TOP becomes the new patch APPL_TOP. Terminate old database sessions: Terminate any database connections to the old run edition of the database.

• Start application tier services: Application tier services are restarted, on the new run edition. The system is now available again to users

• ADZDPATCH concurrent program is cancelled when the cutover phase is complete.



Important: If you fail to run the cleanup phase explicitly, it will be run automatically on the next prepare cycle, but this will cause a delay in starting your next online patching cycle.

This adop phase is used to remove obsolete code and data from old editions.

How to execute:

$ adop phase=cleanup

What it will do:

• Various actions are performed during cleanup, including dropping (removing) obsolete: Crossedition triggers, Seed data, Editioned code objects (covered objects), Indexes, Columns, Editions.

Using parameter cleanup_mode:

a) cleanup_mode=quick – Performs minimum cleanup, including removal of obsolete crossedition triggers and seed data.

Use quick cleanup when you need to start the next patching cycle as soon as possible. For example, if you want to start a new patching cycle right away, but have not yet run cleanup from the previous patching cycle, you can use quick cleanup mode to complete the essential cleanup tasks as fast as possible.

b) cleanup_mode=standard – Does the same as quick mode, and also drops (removes) obsolete editioned code objects (covered objects).

This is the default mode , so does not need to be specified.

c) cleanup_mode=full – Performs maximum cleanup, which drops all obsolete code and data from earlier editions

Use full cleanup when you want to recover the maximum amount of space in the database. If you have run a large number of patching cycles, or applied a very large patch such as a rollup, significant space may be consumed by obsolete table columns and recovered by running a full cleanup. A full cleanup should only be performed when there is no immediate need to start a new patching cycle.




Abort PHASE is conditional phase. This phase cannot be specified with any other phase.

If for some reason either the prepare or apply phase failed or gave problems, you can abort the patching cycle at either of these points by running a special phase with the Command. The actions taken will be discarded (rollbacked).

IMPORTANT: This abort command is only available up to (but not including) the cutover phase. After cutover, the system is running on the new edition, and abort is no longer possible for that patching cycle.

How to execute:

The command to perform this operation is:

$ adop phase=abort

What it will do:

• Confirms that there is an in-progress online patching cycle, so the abort call is therefore valid.

• Checks for the existence of a patch edition and drops one if it exists.

• Cancels the ADZDPATCH concurrent program, if it is running.

• Deletes the rows inserted for the pending session ID from the ad_adop_sessions and ad_adop_session_patches tables.

VERY IMPORTANT: After running abort, a full cleanup must be performed. The cleanup command is: adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full). This will remove any columns that were added by the patch but are no longer needed because of the abort. If they are not removed, they may cause problems in a later patching cycle.

Alternatively, you can run a combined command to abort the patching cycle and perform a full cleanup:

$ adop phase=abort,cleanup cleanup_mode=full

If any attempt was made to apply patches to the patch edition, after abort you must run the fs_clone phase (adop phase=fs_clone) to recreate the patch file system.



The fs_clone phase is a command (not related to adcfgclone.pl) that is used to synchronize the patch file system with the run file system. The fs_clone phase should only be run when mentioned as part of a specific documented procedure.

How to execute:

The fs_clone phase is run using the following command:

$ adop phase=fs_clone

What it will do:

This phase is useful if the APPL_TOPs have become very unsynchronized (meaning that there would be a large number of delta patches to apply). It is a heavyweight process, taking a backup of the entire current patch APPL_TOP and then cloning the run APPL_TOP to create a new patch APPL_TOP. As this method requires more time and disk space, it should only be used when the state of the patch file system is unknown. This command must be invoked from the run file system, before the next prepare phase is run.

Note: The patch file system requires at least 25 GB of free disk space to be available for adop operations, including fs_clone. If there is insufficient free space, the adop operation will fail.

If an fs_clone operation fails, you can rerun it with the option force=yes to restart it from the beginning (with the same session ID), or force=no to restart it from the point where it failed.



1. adop utility is put under $APPL_TOP_NE/ad/bin. It is a wrapper script which calls internally the perl script $AD_TOP/bin/adzdoptl.pl which does actual work of applying the patch.

2. adop will automatically set its environment as required, but it is the user’s responsibility to set the environment correctly for any other commands that may be run. Set the run edition environment whenever executing commands that you intend to affect the run edition.

For example:

$ . <EBS_ROOT>/EBSapps.env run $ adstrtal.sh

Set the patch edition environment whenever you intend to execute commands that affect the patch edition.

For example:

$ . <EBS_ROOT>/EBSapps.env patch $ sqlplus apps/apps @my_custom_patch_script.sql

3. All the phases need to be completed and you can’t skip any of these. For example, if you try to skip prepare phase, you may get error message like “Apply phase can only be run while in a patching cycle, i.e. after prepare phase.”

4. After an online patching cycle is started, you should not perform any configuration changes in the run edition file system. Any that are made will not be propagated and will therefore be lost after cutover is complete.

5. You should not attempt to clone an Oracle E-Business Suite system while an online patching cycle is in progress.

6. The prepare, apply, and fs_clone phases all require at least 10GB of free disk space. All other phases require 1GB of free space. A warning message will be displayed if less than the needed amount is available.

7. The directories where you extracted the patches applied in a given patching cycle must be retained, in the same location and with the same contents, until the next prepare phase completes. This is also a requirement for patches applied in a hotpatch session.

8. Maintenance Mode is not needed for online patching, and so Maintenance Mode is not available in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.



In a multi-node environment, one application tier node will be designated as the primary node. This is the node where the Admin Server is located, and will usually also be the node that runs Oracle HTTP Server. All other application tier nodes are designated as secondary nodes.

adop commands are invoked by a user on the primary node. Internally, adop uses Secure Shell (ssh) to automatically execute required patching actions on all secondary nodes. You must set up passwordless ssh connectivity from the primary node to all secondary nodes.

If a node unexpectedly becomes inaccessible via ssh, it will be abandoned by adop, and the appropriate further actions taken. Consider a scenario where the adop phase=prepare command is run in a system with ten application tier nodes. The command is successful on nine nodes, but fails on the tenth. In such a case, adop will identify the services enabled on nodes 1-9. If they are sufficient for Oracle E-Business Suite to continue to run normally, adop will mark node 10 as abandoned and then proceed with its patching actions. If they are not sufficient, adop will proceed no further.

Oracle Doc: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26401_01/doc.122/e22949/T120505T120512.htm

Primary and standby status

We can run following queries to check all are fine with Standby db.


set lines 500
column destination format a35 wrap
column process format a7
column archiver format a8
column ID format 99

select dest_id “ID”,destination,status,target,archiver,schedule,process,mountid from v$archive_dest;

Output (Status should return valid for standby destination)



column error format a55 tru
select dest_id,status,error from v$archive_dest;

Output (Should not return any error messages)


     1 VALID
     2 VALID

column message format a80
select message, timestamp from v$dataguard_status where severity in (‘Error’,’Fatal’) order by timestamp;

Output (Should not return any rows)


scp PGEORI_2_23362*.arc rmohsgeor36.oracleoutsourcing.com:/pgeori/arch/PGEORI1

$ scp PCFITI_1_57371_604994162.arc rmohscfit03.oracleoutsourcing.com:/pcfiti/arch/


select process,status,client_process,sequence#,block#,active_agents,known_agents from v$managed_standby;

Output (Should show MRP process up and running)


RFS ATTACHED UNKNOWN 13494 36989 0 0


MRP0 WAIT_FOR_LOG N/A 13493 0 0 0

column message format a80
select message, timestamp from v$dataguard_status where severity in (‘Error’,’Fatal’) order by timestamp;

Output (Should not return any rows)

Note: If we gets results as shown above, we can close the standby alerts as TFALSE.

Pls correct/ add comments if required.

To determine if there is an archive gap on your physical standby database, query
the as shown in the following example:

break on report
compute sum of GAP on report
select to_char(sysdate,’DD.MM.RR HH24:MI:SS’) time, a.thread#, (select
max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where archived’YES’ and thread#a.thread#)
archived, max(a.sequence#) applied, (select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log
where archived’YES’ and thread#a.thread#)-max(a.sequence#) gap from
v$archived_log a where a.applied’YES’ group by a.thread#;

To verify the log application status.

On primary DB


Standby DB


To see the max seq applied.

select THREAD#,max(SEQUENCE#) from v$archived_log where APPLIED’YES’ group by THREAD#;

To stop the MRP.

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

To start the MRP.

recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

To recover standby manually.

SQL> recover automatic standby database;

SQL> recover managed standby database parallel

a. no. of cpu…
b. no. of thread possible on each cpu…

total threads a*b -1

To enable the in one commmand.

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_state_2enable scopeboth SID’*’ ;

To start the standby and put in MRP

SQL> startup nomount;

SQL> alter database mount standby database;

recover managed standby database disconnect from session ;

To find the missing logs @ standby

missing_seq.sh Parameter missing: missing_seq.sh low_seq high_seq thread#_if_rac
In case of Non Rac: missing_seq.sh 200 220 No need to give thread#
for Non Rac: missing_seq.sh 200 220 3 Here 3 is the thread#

set pagesize 10000
SELECT A., Round(A.Count#B.AVG#/1024/1024) Daily_Avg_Mb
SELECT thread#,
To_Char(First_Time,’YYYY-MM-DD’) DAY,
Count(1) Count#,
Min(RECID) Min#,
Max(RECID) Max#
thread#, To_Char(First_Time,’YYYY-MM-DD’)
) A,
SELECT Thread#,
Count(1) Count#,
Max(BYTES) Max_Bytes,
Min(BYTES) Min_Bytes
gv$log group by thread#
) B where a.thread#b.thread#;


     1 2010-03-24        113     133452     133564        14238
     1 2010-03-23        174     133278     133451        21924
     1 2010-03-22        182     133096     133277        22932
     1 2010-03-21        112     132984     133095        14112
     1 2010-03-20        145     132839     132983        18270
     1 2010-03-19        176     132663     132838        22176
     1 2010-03-18        200     132463     132662        25200
     1 2010-03-17        154     132309     132462        19404
     1 2010-03-16        164     132145     132308        20664
     1 2010-03-15         40     132105     132144         5040